dying from dementia

1- Olive oil lowers risk of dying from dementia, Groundbreaking Study


Olive oil, a staple of the Mediterranean diet, has long been hailed for its numerous health benefits. From promoting heart health to reducing inflammation, its consumption has been associated with various positive outcomes. Now, a groundbreaking study conducted by Harvard’s Chan School of Public Health sheds new light on olive oil’s potential role in reducing the risk of dying from dementia related mortality.

Understanding the Study of Dying from Dementia

Published in JAMA Network Open, this study delved into the relationship between olive oil consumption and the risk of dying from dementia among US adults. Unlike previous research conducted primarily in regions where olive consumption is abundant, this study examined the effects of olive oil in a country where its consumption is relatively low. This unique perspective provided valuable insights into the health benefits of olives and their derivatives.

Olive Oil and Dementia

The findings of the study are remarkable. They suggest that incorporating olive oil into one’s diet can significantly lower the risk of dying from dementia, irrespective of other dietary factors. This underscores the potential protective effects of olive oil against cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.

Monounsaturated Fats and Antioxidants

Olive oil is renowned for its high content of monounsaturated fats, which are known for their heart-healthy properties. Additionally, it contains potent antioxidant compounds that help protect the brain from oxidative stress and inflammation. These compounds act as guardians of cognitive function, preserving brain health as we age.

Previous Research

While earlier studies have hinted at the benefits of olive oil for brain health, this research adds a new dimension by examining its effects in a different cultural and dietary context. By corroborating previous findings and uncovering new insights, it strengthens the evidence supporting the role of olive oil in promoting brain health and longevity also risk of dying from dementia.

Unique Perspective

Studying olive oil consumption in a country where it is not traditionally a dietary staple offers a fresh perspective on its health benefits. This underscores the universality of its protective effects and highlights the potential for global adoption of the Mediterranean diet for brain health.

Lead Author’s Insights

Ann Julie Tessier, the lead author of the study and a registered dietitian at Harvard, emphasizes the importance of olive oil’s rich nutrient profile. She underscores its role in nourishing the brain and mitigating the risk of daying dementia related mortality. Her insights shed light on the practical implications of this research for public health and dietary recommendations.

Practical Implications

For individuals looking to safeguard their cognitive health, incorporating olive oil into their daily diet may offer significant benefits. Whether drizzled over salads, used for cooking, or enjoyed with bread, olive oil provides a delicious and versatile way to support brain function and overall well-being.

Future Research Directions

While this study provides compelling evidence of olive oil’s neuroprotective effects, further research is needed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying its benefits fully. Future studies could explore optimal dosage, duration of consumption, and potential synergies with other dietary components to maximize its therapeutic potential.


The study conducted by Harvard’s Chan School of Public Health highlights the profound impact of olive oil consumption on reducing the risk of dying from dementia. By uncovering new insights and offering a fresh perspective on this topic, it underscores the importance of dietary factors in preserving brain health. Incorporating olive oil into one’s diet may not only promote longevity but also enhance cognitive function and quality of life.


  1. Q1:- How much olive oil should I consume daily to reap its brain health benefits?

    Ans:- While specific recommendations may vary, incorporating two to three tablespoons of olive oil into your daily diet can provide significant health benefits.

    Q2;- Are there any side effects associated with consuming olive oil?

    Ans:- Generally, olive oil is well-tolerated and considered safe for consumption. However, excessive intake may lead to weight gain due to its high calorie content. Moderation is key.

    Q3:- Can olive oil be used for cooking at high temperatures?

    Ans:- Yes, extra virgin olive oil is suitable for cooking at moderate temperatures. However, it’s best to avoid overheating as it may compromise its nutritional properties.

    Q4:- Are there different varieties of olive oil, and do they offer varying health benefits?

    Ans:- Yes, there are several varieties of olive oil, including extra virgin, virgin, and refined. Extra virgin olive oil, derived from the first pressing of olives, is considered the highest quality and offers the most health benefits due to its rich nutrient profile.

    Q5:- Can olive oil consumption alone prevent dementia?

    Ans:- While olive oil is associated with a reduced risk of dementia-related mortality, maintaining overall brain health requires a comprehensive approach, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, mental stimulation, and social engagement.

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